Air conditioners typically remove humidity from the air during the summer; however, there are instances where a home feels cold but DAMP when the AC is running. This usually points to the blower motor in your furnace or a grossly oversized AC. A fan motor that is set at too high of a speed for your AC will cool the air, but moves it too quickly across the evaporator coil above your furnace.
This will negate its ability to de-humidify the air, creating a cool but damp feeling in the home. An older or less expensive furnace often contains a PSC blower, or a fixed speed ECM motor. These motors move the air, but lack the ability of a Variable Speed ECM motor to dehumidify in summer.
A Trane furnace with a variable speed blower will slowly ramp up and ramp down its speed at the beginning and end of a cooling cycle to focus on dehumidifying the air. Trane call this Comfort-R.
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