Benefits of Geothermal Heating in 2023

January 25, 2023by admin0

Geothermal Energy is a popular sustainable energy source these days. Geothermal energy has existed for thousands of years and has been used in the past to help men cook and bathe. If you wish to install geothermal heating in your house but are worried if it is the best choice. Keep reading; this article elaborately describes all the positive impacts of a geothermal heating system.

Homeowners in Ontario, Canada, prefer geothermal energy source because it is 100% renewable. Statistical estimates suggest that geothermal will contribute 5% and stay among the top 5 in Canada’s transition to renewable energy by 2050. One of the most money-consuming investments for a house is the heating, ventilation, and conditioning systems (HVAC).

Geothermal heating has several positive sides to it including:

Environmentally Friendly

The horrific climate changes are pushing humans to choose viable energy production mechanisms instead of conventional fuel burnings. Geothermal heating is an environmentally favourable source for it does not produce greenhouse gases and carbon monoxide. So, if you are an eco-friendly person geothermal, is the best choice. This method utilizes heat stored underground, in medium to the deep layers of the earth’s crust. Along with the financial saving – geothermal heating saves the environment by reducing air pollution and carbon footprint.

Geothermal Pays for itself Over Time

Initially, the purchase of the geothermal equipment and the installation costs is higher than a typical HVAC system. But due to reduced operating expenses geothermal, is a feasible option in the long run. Reports show that Ground Source Heat Pumping System enables 25-50% more savings than fossil fuel energy systems. It takes around 5-10 years before the geothermal heating instalment starts paying back in the form of reduced expenses. The lucrative ability of this heating strategy to draw out energy from the ground facilitates homeowners to save up to 70% on utility bills.

Quiet Operation

The geothermal heating system is the quietest among HVAC systems. In the absence of any outdoor condensing unit, the indoor components of the geothermal system perform the task quietly. The foam insulation, scroll compressors, and mufflers in the ground source heat pumps enable quieter functioning. Apart from this, the consistent heat source from the ground reduces the power supply requirement from compressors. Due to these reasons, heat pumps operate smoothly without creating noise.

Hot Water Capabilities

Another big positive of ground-source heat is its ability to provide free hot water. Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) produce hot water at better efficiency rates compared to conventional water heaters. You require a well-insulated water tank to store hot water generated through direct exchange geothermal systems. You can install a connection to gather the hot water in your home’s water heater. Despite cold temperatures outside, the ground temperature stays relatively hot even in winters which means constant hot water supply throughout the winter season.

 Long Life Cycle

The setup of geothermal heating systems is indoors; thus, wear and tear caused by weather do not affect GHS. GHPs consist of a pump, compressor, and fan, which can effectively perform for decades. The earth loop is buried in the ground and lasts for many generations. Many ground loops can come with up to a 50-year warranty. Check with your Geothermal System Provider to see what their warranty offers. Furthermore, maintenance services for GHS are little to none, only need are yearly inspections and changes in filters.

Get a quote for a new geothermal system from Waterloo Energy.

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